She Loves You…

Nu Gua by Donna Carey

There are some who may be feeling bereft of love today, and there are those who may not be. Sooner or later we all feel full or empty of love and much of that can be put down to not being able or willing to allow love in. Being reception is the most pressing ‘need’ of our time for we do indeed live in a society which has decided that to give is better than to receive.  It doesn’t make sense of course because there must always be those who are open to receiving in order for any giving to take place…

I believe that our most dire lack of receiving is from our Earth Mother Goddess – if we would but allow ourselves to feel loved by Her then we would receive the most beautiful bounty and have need for nothing. We would understand our place in the world and want for nothing. We would know all our requirements are taken care of, no question, no qualification, no validation required – it is a given, and it would be known to each and every one of us who is able to open to receiving, we would know what and when to take. Yes – it is already a given so knowing when/what to take is required of us, it’s a responsibility and part and parcel of being in right relationship with the earth.

A major disorder of our time is lack of self-worth and this lack of self-belief means we do not feel worthy to receive – we close ourselves of and say ‘no’ to receiving love. Anyone who has ever felt this way about themselves only then to have their heart  opened by the sweetest most loving presence ever imaginable will know the bitter sweetness of realising that they had always been loved – they simply didn’t realise it.

She Loves You
She Loves You Not
She Loves You – and there is no ‘Not’
– From Your Mother, The Earth, The Goddess

In every moment it is far easier to turn away, to block, to deny, to avoid the Love that She has for us, for me, for you. Given the option, most people choose that which they know; separation from Spirit, separation from Self, separation from the Great Mother, at least in our mind anyway.

Yes, to allow yourself to receive Love is a challenge for many people in different ways. Opening to Love can feel scary because it will come into your energy field and that can actually be experienced as invasive in the beginning because we have conditioned ourselves against love.

Softening and coming in trust is a process that will cultivate intimacy in your life – learning to set healthy boundaries is part of this process as you will learn in that who you are, and who you are not.

© Lynn Paterson 14 Feb 2020

Solstice Blessings ~ The Light Within











You have a lot of light inside you; that light has been trapped, it’s been cut off, at least in your mind, it has been cut off from the outside. This is the source of the sense of isolation and loneliness – this light within has forgotten that it is part of everything – that IS everything.

When you begin to open not only are you opening to the light coming from what appears to be outside of you, i.e. the sun, the radiation off other people, but you’re also opening to let the light within you, out. Sometimes that light actually is darkness, other times that lightness is darkness.

​The light that is within you may be masquerading as darkness. The darkness within you may be masquerading as light. Stop all effort to try and figure out what is what and which is which. Stop trying to work out what it is and just live. There is only one energy that is you. All other names for it are untrue. There may be temporary experiences; experience in the temporal, but the truth is there is only that which you are.

©Lynn Paterson 2016


Soft Summer Rain – An Explanation

I was reading through old journals last night from August 2016; a time which was one of the toughest periods in my life. I’ve not managed to read fully through any of it before and had forgotten the circumstances that led me to go outside in the rain at 3am one night. My poem “Soft Summer Rain” came from that night and I published that here on my blog in 2018. I’m sharing more of the circumstances around the poem as I understand it could be helpful to have more context around the poem  as some might want to invite in something similar.

It was around the 16th or 17th of August, there was a full moon with an eclipse following it, said to be a potent time.

I’d awoken at 2am and was reading as I couldn’t get back to sleep. My mind was in overdrive and I was caught up in over thinking and strategizing.  I caught myself working out an excuse for why I wasn’t going to keep an appointment that day – if I couldn’t sleep I would be too tired to attend. I was strategizing that my cancellation would be justified as she’d cancelled me at least 3 times in the past. I reckoned she owed me cancellations! Once I’d seen though this belief I realised how unhelpful it was, how stuck in the past I was and not just with this instance either!  So much of my current unhappiness was rooted in the past, the distance past and also the recent past. I looked into my heart and invited in Spirit to help me see more clearly and to let go of the past:

Cast the Past.

Believe not in the past or future and you negate karma.

Get used to discomfort and it shall be your friend.

You are as bright as a million bright suns; there is no power this small world has over you!

See? The illusion, deception of comfort, is that it is also uncomfortable,

See this and you can dissolve opposites. Try it with anything.

Yearn for anything of the world and you are imprisoned by the world.

It was now 3am and it was raining softly, I could hear the gutters dripping. I got a quiet invitation to go outside and stand naked in the rain. I almost avoided it but listened again and I saw I would be cleansed, “they” said cleansed and freed of the past. I decided to do it despite the usual reluctance.

I went outside naked and stood in the quiet summer rain. I turned and faced each direction and again with my arms up to the sky and a surge of energy and aliveness, of spiritual activation, imbued me.

These are the words I wrote afterwards – it’s what forms the poem Soft Summer Rain – it’s how I experienced it in the moment:

Lay me bare
Stripped back to the soul
Let me hide nothing from your gaze
So nothing may remain unseen, unloved, denied by me

I tremble in your Light, a Love I cannot fight, for this Love is not power, nor force –  it is nothing, and I cannot fight nothing.
Beloved, in your Love I Am remade in the eye of God
In the Realm of the undenied is the real-eyes-d,.

Soft summer rain, soothing, calming; an invitation to dissolve the ties of the past.
Naked in the night
I turn to face each direction, not once but twice

A complete circle, each turn in time, and time itself dissolves.
Rain feels like fire; a Baptism, alone.

Activation completed, I knew that:

Earth and Sky used me, imbued me to touch each other, and in so doing imbued me with fire and water, body birthed  … body of Earth.

Activated now I reached for the karmic wheel to cut away the past and the future.

I intuitively felt to use my right arm like a sword and cut through the invisible ties and bindings, cords, ropes, chains that bound me to the past.

The work, the experience, was over and I went back inside, feeling so alive, so loved, and in awe of being human, in gratitude to being Lynn.

Though I cut away the past that night I still had a long way to go to come to terms and integrate the experiences that caused me so much pain in the period 2014-2016. It’s only now that I feel able to read through the journal of August 2016.

© Lynn Paterson 2016 and 2019

Event: Omens & Signs from Nature

The Sentient Oracle has come about at a time in our Earth Sentience when there is a real need to acknowledge the existence of consciousness within all living Beings – Seen and Unseen.

In the beautiful woodland setting of Aberfoyle, near to the Fairy Hill we will have an opportunity to spend some time in nature, communicating with Nature Spirits – trees, animals, birds, insects, and the “Unseen” world of Fairies, Elementals and Divas.

The aim of the workshop at this Solstice point, is to make/enhance this communication and receive guidance through omens, signs or direct knowing for our own spiritual selves. It may concern a current issue in our life, or suggest a way forward for the next 6 months.

We may wish to record our experience through writing or photography on the day. Lynn and Caireen will be available to discuss the mirrored photography that can reveal deeper into Nature, all of which can be done on a mobile phone.

With Lynn Paterson and Caireen Todd

Cost of workshop £25

We will be working outdoors/full details and arrangements on booking.

Full Circle

Today has been a strange kind of day. Somehow though I don’t know why, it feels like a full circle kind of day. Crows have been around, Oak trees have been in my awareness, water and the circle of life, of death have been there too…somehow they all connect and are showing me the mystery tantalisingly just at the edges of my consciousness.  An experience with exchanging energy with an oak tree brought me back to a primordial feeling of life. Back to the beginning. The flavour of it reminded of another such primordial beginning experience I’d had many years ago in Hawaii via the humpback whales.

“the One eye, the One Love … Go to your True Nature” by Jean-Luc Bozzolli

“I was there in the beginning, dreaming the world into existence.”

Sometimes we have experiences ‘accidentally’ that are very similar in nature to those we might have ‘on purpose’ as in a vision quest.  I’m not really much of one for the on purpose or intentionally directed experiences as I find my mind gets so caught up in trying to make things happen and then of course it becomes too contrived.  It works better for me for things to happen ‘accidentally on purpose’.  In other words, not directed or intentioned by my conscious mind.

Sometimes the accident part is quite literal as in the time I was swimming with wild spinner dolphins in Hawaii early one morning in Kealakekua Bay on the Big Island.  The beach there has big rounded rocks on the shore line and often there are considerable waves hitting the shore making it difficult to get in and out, especially with flippers and snorkel gear on. That morning I was swimming for a long time and when we eventually headed back to shore I was tired and hungry, and a little shaky from the interactions with the dolphins. With dolphins it’s a holistic experience; it hits on all levels and I wasn’t just tired physically but emotionally, spiritually and mentally affected too. There’s a tendency to overdo things because the experience is so beautiful, you keep wanting another encounter. It was time though to leave, we were hungry and thirsty and the dolphin action was quietening down.

I swan to the shoreline and was concerned to see considerable wave action now. My partner managed to get out but I could see he hurt himself a little on the slippery rocks. I didn’t manage so well and got tossed about, struggled and got pretty beaten up on the rocks in the process. Thank goodness they were rounded rocks not jaggy but even so I was aware of cuts and bruises as I stood shaking and in shock on the shore. My partner hadn’t noticed and had headed back to the where the car was parked. By the time I hobbled over I was well and truly in a shocked state. It had been a brutal experience and I had been scared to my core, old memories of near drowning incidents still with me from my earlier life. Both my legs were bruised and bleeding especially around the knees, fortunately nothing needing stitches though.

I was wrapped up in towels and put in the front passenger seat. My partner drove us to our usual breakfast stop but I couldn’t go in – I was already drifting in and out of an altered state of consciousness brought on by the shock and physical trauma. I needed to stay in the car and let myself go into the deep mind so he went in alone and I was grateful the car had stopped moving so I could let go and disappear into myself for a while.

It’s at this point in recounting the story that I hesitate and to date have not managed to get beyond. I guess the main reason is I fear being thought of as egotistical, big headed or that I think myself better than others. It’s also because I don’t want others to feel less than because they haven’t had such experiences…all arrogance of course but still….it’s challenging to write about such deeply mystical experiences as this was with the connotations it has. Ultimately I have got to get over myself and realise that such mystical experiences are there to show us who we are and that we are Source itself. Trust in the process. It’s no big deal and yet at the same time it is a big deal.

(Anyway… some hours later I return to writing the story)

Humpback whales swim, float into my awareness. I think it’s strange because I was swimming with dolphins and yet here are whales.  The thought passes.  .  I feel very safe in this altered reality with my physical body wet and salty from the swim, warm now wrapped up in towels, I am cocooned. The whales  do not speak yet I understand they are taking me somewhere and immediately I have this thought we go back in time, further and further back.  I realise the whales are not just guides but the star-gate and the journey itself. They are both the means of travel and the travel itself. And as I go back still further, time itself unwinds, stripping away from itself, spiralling through the cosmos and then there is awareness of no time. It is primordial, before time.

Now, I am there, in the beginning. I see the world before me, not as it is now but from before time began, not yet physically formed.   I am aware of myself then, as me yet not the personal ‘me’. I am part of a collective, with individual awareness, and all of all of us there in the beginning, dream time. The world was not yet formed, still gaseous at this stage, still in the process and yet to form into physical matter…this I knew. There were a definite number of us, not an infinite number.  I do not remember how many, only that I am one of the many, many of the one. I see-feel-sense-know in perfection how this could be so, many angels ‘flying’, circling around the world, dreaming it into existence. I was not physical either, none were physical beings. Collective yet with individual awareness.
Words form in me. “I was there in the beginning, dreaming the world into existence.”

In searching for an image, I came across the work of Jean-Luc Bozzoli whom I had met in Hawaii along with his partner Joan Ocean. In his artwork I find similarities to my experience in Hawaii and in the words also, so similar, a message here from the humpback whales which really is saying more or less the same thing as my experience:

“MESSAGE FROM THE WHALES: “You believed that you were localized in space and time. Now you understand that you are part of an Inter-flow. Inter-flow is a word that we whales have provided for you to describe the process as we whales know it. It is not a noun, but a verb ? everything is movement and we are also in movement. In us, singularity and plurality are one and the same. There is only the One, the ultimate reality, indwelling in all. The multiplicity you seem to experience in your lives is only a mirror of the One. All the beautiful variety and diversity, is united in an immense sophisticated singularity of such huge proportions that it is difficult for you to comprehend. ——- But we can see that the experiment of integration with you and others is working. The synergy between our minds is increasing.”

Almost 15 years on and I realise how many extreme and mystical experiences happen to me after I have been in water for prolonged periods.  Not just in water either, but about water, and how water shapes physical matter, how it is the well-spring within us, La Source, Mother.

©Lynn Paterson 2018

It brings me the greatest joy to share my experiences and even more joy to assist others in having experiences. I am available for you if you wish to make a connection with the humpbacks, dolphins, crow-people, trees, water, angels, Divine Mother …  I act like a bridge to connect your awareness with them. This can be simply a beautiful experience and it can also be of assistance in embodying your divine blueprint, helping you to the next stage of your life journey and opening new doorways in reality, in perception. Sessions can be in person, via video call or remotely in meditation. Please get in touch, many blessings.

Who Looks Inside

What is there inside that is not Love?
Look inside
Look carefully
Look again, there!
Is this not of Love, this part denied?
Please, look again with new eyes,
Real eyes
There is nothing within that is not of Love,
Who looks inside awakens to the Truth.

©Lynn Paterson 2017

The River of Life

The River of Life

In my distress I sat by the waterfall pool. Here, I asked the River of Life to wash away my sins.
She said, “I cannot wash away what is not there.”
So instead I asked her to being me an abundance of Love and Riches for I felt acutely impoverished.
“I cannot bring you that which you already are.”
In tears now, I pleaded, “Then show me this as I cannot see it in myself!”
She replied, “This I can indeed do. Find yourself a deep, still pool and gaze into the depths of the water until you can no longer see your reflection. It is there you will know your soul.”

©Lynn Paterson 2017

Consciousness, Awareness and Artificial Intelligence

What does consciousness mean, what does it mean to be conscious of self?  Do animals have a sense of self? Some certainly seem to have, and others seem to be developing a sense of self as a separate entity.  Alongside this age old topic of contemplation of wonder, or fascination, is that of AI, artificial intelligence. Will AI ever develop a sense of itself?  I can hardly think it wouldn’t as my understanding of Consciousness, is that there is that which remembers itself to be Consciousness and that which does not.  That which remembers itself is always acting upon that which is does not.  However, having said that, I am aware that my descriptive is linear, and Consciousness is not linear, nor can something really act upon itself, it just seems to do that at one level of reality.

It is like asking What is not of Love? There is this or that, and anything that I determine is not of Love is therefore cast out of what I consider Love to be. This is purely an individual experience, and I reject and judge anything I consider unworthy or unlovable.  I have simply created a separation in my mind, for All is Love, and there is nothing outside of that.  Even the most horrific thing is Love when seen from an inclusive perspective.  That doesn’t mean I like it, it only means I’m not in denial of what it is.  It’s only when I stop resisting something does it lose its reality.   This is of course a huge topic and one which I’m only using here as a little introduction into sharing a very short story on the topic of what is Consciousness.

The Lady and The Orchids

Once upon a time, there was a lady, a very kind lady who was exceptionally sensitive to the intelligences of other beings such as faeries, plants, rocks, water and other spirits of nature and all the elemental beings.  She has the gift of hearing and understanding them, and they understand her too.

She lived on an island in the Pacific, high up overlooking the sea.  Her home was beautiful and she filled it with family treasures and those she collected on her travels.  She also loved animals and plants and these were a source of much joy and fun for her – they were her company now as all of her natural human family had either passed or moved far away.

She travelled a great deal, feeling the calling of the spirits of nature and ancient stories enticing her over to the Celtic Lands such as Scotland.  Sometimes she was away for months at a time in her studies and nature immersions.  Her house needed to be looked after when she was away, animals and plants all needed taking care of.  On shorter trips someone called in daily and longer ones she had someone stay there.

On shorter trips she would bring all her orchid plants into the kitchen for easy watering and care by a friend. She’d place them on a work surface on capillary matting which was watered and thus it required less attention.  She was doing just that on one shorter holiday and had brought her beautiful orchids and placed them on the matting and was counting them to make sure she hadn’t forgotten any of them when her attention was caught by a strange, high pitched, very squeaky little sound.  She listened. 

It was calling to her, “Me too, me too…don’t forget me!” She was confused, she was certain she had all her orchids there and what’s more, she didn’t recognise this very strange voice which was not at all like the voice or sounds that she usually associated with the orchid plants.

Counting her plants she could find no one missing and still confused she went in search of the voice, honing in and allowing the sound to draw her towards it until she heard it quite clearly, very close to her and in her amazement, she saw not a real orchid at all, but an artificial one!  Incredulous and not at all understanding how this could be, she talked with the voice and asked what it wanted.  It was very simple; it wanted to go with the others!  It didn’t want to be left alone and wanted only to be in company.  As it told her this she remembered the reason she bought it was to keep another orchid company…this other orchid was in a place where orchids before had not really liked, so she got an artificial one rather than put a ‘live’ one there.  It had worked quite well and the live orchid was in fact doing far better since she got the artificial one.

With a sense of wonder and awe, she spoke Love to the orchid and gently carried and placed it with the others on the capillary matting.

The End.  And The Beginning.

Everything wants to be real and is doing the best it possibly can.  Every thing is of the One and has potential for life, for what is there but life? How can not life come from life? Each thing that is designed has a blueprint, and that blueprint is devoted to ensuring it reach its potential.  A margarine carton wants to be the best margarine carton it can be.  Another term for ‘blueprint’ is ‘guardian angel’ or in the case of plants, ‘deva’.  It is this intelligence that whispers ‘grow’ to the plant.

The story is true.

On Making Decisions…

The Dilemma of Decisions!!! Always a toughie for me, having sun in Pisces is only part of my excuse!

There have been times for me when decisions are not part of my reality. It’s when I’m completely in my centre there are no questions per se, and so not choice or decision is required – I just know.  I wish it was like that all the time because when it’s not, this feeling of being split between one thing and another is not really a pleasant experience soI asked for guidance on it.  This is what I got:

Until you have chosen yourself there will always be a decision to be made between this or that.  When the self is chosen, then all other choices are no more.

Until you have chosen yourself, there will always be a dilemma of choosing one thing over another.  Once you have chosen yourself, no other choice is necessary as you are able to see the ‘both’ ‘and’ rather the ‘either/or’.

Well it seems pretty simply on the face of it?! I think it can be interpreted in quite a few ways actually. I’ll leave that to you.


Wild Places

A minute ago I came across a Facebook post from a friend (thank you) which simply put, is perfect for what I’ve been thinking about this morning.  Isn’t it incredible that one sentence and a painting can have such a deeply moving effect?  It never fails to amaze me how easily we are touched, or inspired, uplifted…and how crucial it is to feel that sense of connection, of belonging that comes from feeling such instant resonance.

Because I was writing, updating and thinking about France, my experiences there and that we’ve opened the September retreat to others…I was again deep into the vibration of being there, of those incredible experiences there, of the insights, revelations in fact, the beauty of sharing good food, places to visit, sensual touch, pleasure consciously explored in nature, communing with trees, flowers…allowing oneself to be touched deeply, profoundly …the sensations … the sensuality of life to be experienced as all experienced on the outside is a reflection of that inside.  In fact one informs the other… and then this sentence, this picture, so evocative of the eternal feminine…my whole being yearns for this…it must be what I am here for, to experience this, to create my reality from such pictures in my mind…

“The mind I love most must have wild places, a tangled orchard where dark damsons drop in the heavy grass, an overgrown little wood, the chance of a snake or two, a pool that nobody fathomed the depth of, and paths threaded with flowers planted by the mind.” ~ Katherine Mansfield

Frederick Carl Frieseke – Nude In Dappled Sunlight