Inner Marriage on Beltane, 2012

I’ve been away doing tantric sessions/massage with a friend who is also a trainee – something shifted in those few days… she got really ill on Sunday night and it looked like we might not be able to travel. It lifted long enough for us to get home, thank goodness, but it was a trial for both of us in our own ways. I got home and had a long bath chatting with my beloved… after I got out, I started trembling and thought it was lack of food and low blood sugar – which it partly was…. yet it continued even after I eat and drank, so i went upstairs to lie down. I tuned in and also again several times during the evening but all i got was something about ‘solar lions’. I also became aware that something much bigger than my own personal experience had happened during the time I was away and I can only describe it as our soul family had just gone through a major shamanic journey.

A friend in England texted me and said she had picked up something and asked if I was alright.

Later on, in bed, despite being extremely tired and not having slept well since I had left, I just couldn’t sleep and was trembling and shaky (this often indicates to me that something is trying to come through and that I’m not allowing it to) I again asked and finally I got a ‘message’ to get my pad and write, so I turned the light on and noticed it was almost midnight… almost Beltane.

It came through very quickly; it had been waiting for this exact moment when the clock ticked into the next day which, even before Beltane was named, is a day that is energetically open and aligned with the merging of male/female principles.

“An initiation. A marriage within the joining of the two forces of nature destined to be made whole, into oneness – inevitable because they cannot stay apart as they attract each other… because they are already one. Yet, until you stopped looking outside of yourself these two inner forces could not meet because they were committed to anothers forces… their docking stations were already occupied.”

It continued…

“Solar Lion – will you marry yourself?” I answered “YES!” “Do you take yourself in full and whole Love?” Said I, “Yes I do, Yes I do… I Am whole and full of essence of unity of Love.”

“The Unity of Love

A Blessing given freely

To those of Faith

2012 is a year of Faith

Do not sway.”

Do a ceremony – invite in Spirit: angels, elemental energies etc. Wear something nice and gift yourself something as a token of marking this initiation… can be a bought thing or something given by nature. Bring some greenery into the house. Celebrate together.

It was also suggested that as I am already married  that we look at our agreement and update it again because despite having done this previously, we are now different people – and do this prior to the inner marriage ceremony.

The word Beltane is thought to mean bright fire, white and shinning and fire is used to celebrate the waxing of the sun, giver of life.

3 thoughts on “Inner Marriage on Beltane, 2012

  1. ivelinaborislavova May 14, 2012 / 9:59 pm

    Hi, Lynn
    I love your blog and your dedication to sacred love, divine love and transformation. Every time I read any of your post here or on Facebook my mind and soul go on a journey.You are so inspiring.

    “Mother Nature Loves you” has nominated you for a
    ‘Versatile Blogger Award’ (
    The Versatile Blogger Award is a great way of meeting other like-minded bloggers and getting folk to have a look at your pages (I believe it is known as ‘traffic’).
    The rules for the Versatile Blogger are as follows:
    If you are nominated, you’ve been awarded the Versatile Blogger award.
    -Thank the person who gave you this award
    -Include a link to their blog
    -Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly
    -Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award
    -Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself
    Thats it!

    Thank you for all that you are.
    Sending love and blessings your way


    P.S You can see your nomination here


    • lynnpaterson May 16, 2012 / 11:03 am

      Dear Ivelina,
      Thank you! I was so touched by your comments; it was a powerful reminder of how we are all so intertwined and just how lovely it is to share our experiences on this journey with each other.

      And thank you for the nomination too!

      With Love and blessings,


      • ivelinaborislavova May 18, 2012 / 10:11 pm

        Thank you, Lynn.
        I really appreciate your time and all that you are.
        Blessings and Love


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