Nature My Temple

I’m organising a nature retreat in the Trossachs area  in Scotland for Sept 29th – Oct 1st, 2017. For the past few days I’ve been immersed in writing and re-writing about it. It’s simple, yet it’s been a big deal for me to move into being okay with the simplicity of it. Workwise, I’ve gone through a huge transition since pulling back from the tantric work I was offering. This has not just been about trying to find the write words; it’s been about moving into a deeper part of myself, leaning into the Lynn-ness, integrating and embodying (interesting that the word ‘dying’ is within the word embodying) and becoming less of me in so many ways, and in the process, becoming more.

This is my first offering of this kind and it will launch a new endeavour I received a few months ago when meditating at Bracklin Falls in Callander. A new chapter of healing started after I returned from living in Ireland; a very deep process, and central to that was Nature and elemental beings.  I started taking even more time in nature, alone, walking, sitting by waterfalls, communing with trees, taking in the beauty of nature, slowing down into stillness and allowing my mind and emotional space to be less complex, divesting myself of deeper and deeper layers of conditioning and fears.  I felt called to do this, an essential thing my soul insisted upon. My experiences, and photographs, of nature changed, they became more alive, more multi-dimensional.  I found a new term, multi-sensual, which describes perfectly the wholistic nature of life of experience and experiencer.

Even the information board was telling me deeper things than it first appeared to.

At Bracklinn Falls that day I received the first insights into a new endeavour, a body of work, part of which is offering retreats for groups of people and elementals to come together in magical, playful, creative collaboration with each other and the elemental beings. This information is part of the story of my whole life expression – I could say it’s the result of all the years of being interested in nature, metaphysics, mysticism, tantra etc etc, yet the truth is that I cannot separate things anymore into cause and effect, so I see the information that came through simply as another chapter in the story of my life expression.

Some years ago, I realised that we (elementals and humans) each hold the key to each other’s fulfilment of potential (growth) – this now became a reality for me.  They are our missing piece as we are theirs. For us, they can help us in areas especially where we have most fear; death, sexuality, other realities/dimensions, duality, spirituality, self-sovereignty.  And how we help them?  Well, that an important thing and what we get to find out in due course will be enlightening. Their story is not separate from ours, just as on a coin, heads is not separate from tails.

Later on I received further information which expanded on the original vision and gave an overall plan for the ‘Body of Work’ which is to explore and develop an organic, multi-sensual, multi-dimensional connection and multi-media collaboration with Nature. In seeking a name, I later consulted my favourite Oak Tree (as you do) at the Doon Hill Fairy Walk in Aberfoyle.  I was guided to another tree spirit who brought forward the name “Nature My Temple”.

It’s taken months to integrate these experiences and it’s been very challenging to write about it, and even more so to try to put into words the non-teaching, non-hierarchal nature of these interactions and in turn, the new retreats.  How could I offer an event that wasn’t based on teaching or guidance or suggestive of some sort of shift in consciousness, some sort of ‘reward’ or some solution to a problem?  How would that be appealing?  I’ve been advised that people want to know what their investment will give them.  Well, the truth is that I don’t know, and more so, that having an agenda cannot yield realisation. Over and over again I’ve caught myself trying to solve the problem of having an agenda on having no agenda. Lol. Thing is that any reason for doing something, adding any ‘because’ to anything will only push ‘First Cause’ away. Because, there is no ‘because’, there is only ’Be Cause’. (Lol.  Did you see that? Using ‘because’ to talk about the untruth of the word?)

Sometimes, it is easier to say what somethign is not than to say what it is.  I always found that to be the case when trying to describe what tantra is for instance.  About this new work and the retreats/events, I can safely say that it is most definitely not about trying to fix, or solve a problem, or add to anything or anyone.

So, I have done my best to describe the event without adding agenda or raising expectations, though inevitably that will happen and divesting ourselves of such does take practise and persistence. I think though that the best way for me to say it is in the elementals own words:

 “We come here and be. We open to stillness and spaciousness in space, thought and time. Join us here where realities intersect.” 

Along the trail at Bracklinn Falls, Callander.

Event Details

Over many years now I’ve been having shamanic experiences in nature.  It’s taken me to now to be ready to offer this as a Body of Work, Nature My Temple. I’ve written about some of my experiences over the years on this blog, and have added them to the NatureMyTemple category here in my blog so you can find them if you wish to know more about my nature orientated organic shamanic folding and unfolding journey.

Here are the details of the first event in the Trossachs, Sept 29th – Oct 1st. I’m calling it the first even as it was the first one to come to me, and even though I most likely will be going to The Cathar region in France and offering an event there in early September, this one still feels like it will be the first one. That’s the rather strange experience of living in a multi-dimensional reality. At least it is strange until I get used to it. The event is on Facebook and you may also contact me via email at

Waterfalls and Tree Spirits

Sept 29th – Oct 1st, 2017, join Lynn for a retreat weekend that honours the sacredness of Nature and the sacredness of Self.  In communion with Nature we may remember our own true nature, our own unique role, and how that contributes to the whole. This is a journey with many dimensions, many destinations and many diversions! The elemental beings are inviting us to ‘weave a living myth with nature’ – a creative collaboration with them and Mother Earth in conscious evolution.

In coming together in Nature we will weave this living story and our own myth will emerge from the symbols of individual experiences.  For each person they will be both the whole story and part of the group story at the same time – as above, so below. Each may know themselves as a unique and essential part of the collective.  The Elementals will help us to find and honour our own role and presence whilst at the same time, not putting any pressure of performance on ourselves.

“We come here and be. We open to stillness and spaciousness in space, thought and time. Join us here where realities intersect.” 

The theme for this retreat is Waterfalls and Tree Spirits, and that in knowing ‘samenesses’ and ‘differences’ we may know, grow and appreciate more of life.  The essence is yin; water, wood, inner space, emptiness, silence, stillness, spaciousness, softness, sharing.  The intention is simplicity and that less is more. The outcome may be a gift for self, and/or something to share; a symbol, an insight, an image, a word, a story, a tale, a joke, a song, a movement, a drawing, a sign or silence.  It is part of the vision that our sharing will be put online in a simple presentation format.* In this way, it will stay alive, weaving a living myth of our time together, and being the foundation of many to come, more multi-sensual retreats/presentations will join it and as each new person interacts with it, it will become more, as they will too.  This is how Weaving a Living Myth works.

*Nature changes and adapts all of the time. It is not a given that sharings are put online, though it is part of the overall vision for NatureMyTemple to publish online.  It’s my intention that each feels free to contribute without judgment or the need to validate one’s sharings, and the vision to share online forms a testimony to this.  I will always seek agreement prior to publishing online.   This could be anonymously if desired. Anything shared remains the property of the experiencer. My intention is to eventually use the ‘Prezi’ application, and I’d love to hear from anyone who has experience, or feels they can assist in working with this.  This is a work in progress and will continue to develop in creative collaboration.



©Lynn Paterson July 2017

Does the shamanic nature theme speak to your heart?  Do you want to connect and share more with me?  I’m daily on Instagram and my personal Facebook page, weekly on Facebook NatureMyTemple.



Stunning bridge at Bracklinn Falls, Callander
There had been a lot of rain shortly before I visited for the first time
Dreaming rock
Spring evening at Leddard Falls pool, another Trossachs waterfall site
Leddard Falls – one of the most beautiful places here
Message in a stone…


2 thoughts on “Nature My Temple

  1. patriciachalmers July 13, 2017 / 5:15 pm

    Hi Lynn,
    This is where its at. Wishing you much abundance and bliss on this journey, so simple so profound, so transformational
    Much love


    • lynnpaterson July 15, 2017 / 5:08 pm

      Thank you Patricia. Very lovely to hear from you! Many blessings to you and I also wonder how you are doing these days.


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